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Origano kruhove palčke / Oregano bread sticks

Recept origano kruhove palčke


  • 120 g bele moke
  • 120 g ostre moke
  • 1 jajce
  • 1 suhi kvas
  • Šop svežih zelišč (origano, timijan, peteršilj)
  • 1 žlica suhega origana
  • 60 ml mleka
  • 20 g masla
  • 1 žlička sladkorja
  • ½ žličke soli
  • 1 žlica vode


  1. Mleko pogrejemo in v njem stopimo maslo in sladkor.
  2. V večjo skledo damo belo moko, kvas, jajce in sol ter dobro premešamo z mešalnikom.
  3. Dodamo mlečno mešanico ter žlico vode ter mešamo naprej.
  4. Na koncu dodamo še sveža in žlico suhega origana. Dobro premešamo.
  5. Testo oblikujemo v hlebček in vzhajamo 1 uro na toplem.
  6. Testo odrežemo na manjše kose in z rokami razvaljamo v tanke kačice.
  7. Kačice narežemo na željene dolžine in po dve z zasukom prepletemo v nekakšno kitko.
  8. Sukanje bo zahtevalo nekaj ročnih spretnosti, vendar ne obupajte.
  9. Palčke pečemo 25 minut na 180 stopinj.

Oregano bread sticks recipe


  • 120 g of white flour 
  • 120 g of Semolina flour 
  • 1 egg 
  • 1 dry yeast 
  • Bunch of fresh herbs (oregano, thyme, parsley) 
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano 
  • 60 ml of milk 
  • 20 g butter 1
  • teaspoon sugar 
  • ½ teaspoons of salt 
  • 1 tablespoon water


  1. Heat the milk and melt the butter and sugar in it. 
  2. Put white flour, yeast, egg and salt in a large bowl and mix well with a mixer. 
  3. Add the milk mixture and a tablespoon of water and stir further. 
  4. Finally, add fresh and dried oregano. Mix well. 
  5. Form the dough into a loaf and leave to rise for 1 hour in a warm place.
  6. Cut the dough into smaller pieces and roll it into thin roll with your hands. 
  7. Cut the roll to the desired lenght twist two of them into a braid.
  8. Twisting will require some hand skills and ingenuity.
  9. Bake the sticks for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

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