⎨SI⎬ Pomlad prinaša vesele barve, oh kako se je veselimo!
Zgodbe na krožniku, na področju kreiranja receptov in fotografije, že skoraj eno leto sodelujejo s priznanim slovenskim trgovcem Hofer. Čas je, da spet kak recept podeliva tudi tule na blogu. Sveže sladka limonova pita bo kar pravšnja za to.
⎨EN⎬ Spring comes with happy colors, oh what a joy!
It’s been almost a year since Story on a plate started creating recipes and photos for well known Slovenian retail chain Hofer. We think it’s time to share another recipe here on the blog as well. This refreshingly sweet lemon curd pie will be just perfect.

Recept za limonovo pito
Za testo (premer pekača 26 cm)
- 500 g bele moke
- 250 g hladnega masla
- 180 g kokosovega sladkorja
- lupinica ene limone
- 3 rumenjaki
- 1 jajce
- Ščepec soli
Za limonov nadev
- 5 rumenjakov
- 320 ml vode
- 200 g sladkorja
- 40 g koruznega škroba (gustin)
- 100 ml sveže stisnjenega limoninega soka
- nastrgana lupinica dveh limon
- 100 g kremnega sira
- 30 g masla
- 9 lističev želatine iz Hofer želatine (znamka Bella)
- ščepec soli
- Najprej pripravimo testo z pito. V posodo damo moko in maslo ter pregnetemo z rokami, da se maslo dobro vmeša.
- Dodamo sladkor, jajce, rumenjake, limonino lupinico in ščepec soli. Vse skupaj premešamo z mikserjem z nastavkom za gnetenje testa.
- Z rokami oblikujemo kroglo in polovico testa damo v hladilnik za eno uro, drugo polovico pa shranimo v skrinjo, kjer bo lepo počakalo na kakšno drugo pito 😊
- Ohlajeno in kompaktno testo vzamemo iz hladilnika ter ga pustimo 10 minut na sobni temperaturi, da se malo zmehča.
- Pečico ogrejemo na 170 stopinj.
- Pekač namastimo z maslom, testo razvaljamo in ga kar v pekaču sploščimo, da se lepo porazdeli po celotni površini in robovih.
- Za slepo peko testa bomo potrebovali keramične kroglice ali preprosto kar suh fižol.
- Pito po vrhu obložimo s peki papirjem, da se dobro prilega testu, nanj pa položimo kroglice ali fižol.
- Pečemo 15 minut, nato odstranimo peki papir ter kroglice oz. fižol in pečemo še dodatnih 15 minut.
- Ko se testo ohlaja, pripravimo nadev.
- V manjši skledi zmešamo rumenjake in jih damo na stran.
- V ponvi na srednji temperaturi zmešamo vodo, sladkor, sol, limonin sok, limonino lupinico ter koruzni škrob.
- Medtem namočimo liste želatine v hladno vodo in počakamo nekaj minut, da se popolnoma zmehčajo.
- Po nekaj minutah bo mešanica v ponvi začela brbotati. Počasi dodamo rumenjake in malo premešamo.
- Na koncu dodamo v ponev še maslo, dobro premešamo in odstranimo iz kuhalnika.
- V manjši kozici na srednji temperaturi stopimo želatino.
- V nadev nato najprej dobro vmešamo kremni sir in stopljeno želatino.
- Nastali nadev vlijemo v testo za pito in pustimo vsaj 2 uri na hladnem, da se strdi.
- Postrežemo lahko s sladko smetano ali vaniljevim sladoledom.
Recipe for lemon curd pie
For the dough (round baking tray 26 cm)
- 500 g white flour
- 250 g cold butter
- 180 g coconut sugar
- zest of 1 lemon
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 egg
- Pinch of salt
For the lemon filling
- 5 egg yolks
- 320 ml water
- 200 g sugar
- 40 g corn starch
- 100 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
- zest of two lemons
- 100 cream cheese
- 30 g butter
- 1 pack gelatin (10 sheets for 500 ml)
- Pinch of salt
- First, prepare the dough with the pie. Put flour and cold butter in a bowl and knead with your hands to mix the butter well.
- Add sugar, egg, yolks, lemon zest and a pinch of salt. Mix everything together with a mixer with a dough attachment.
- Form a ball with hands and put half of the dough in the fridge for one hour, and store the other half in a freezer for some other pie.
- Take the cooled and compact dough out of the fridge and leave it for
- 10 minutes at room temperature to soften a bit.
- Preheat oven to 170 degrees.
- Grease the baking tray with butter, roll out the dough and flatten it in the baking tray so that it is nicely distributed over the entire surface and edges.
- You’ll need ceramic balls or simply dry beans to blind bake the dough.
- Line the top of the pie with baking paper to fit the dough well, and place balls or beans on top.
- Bake for 15 minutes, then remove the baking paper and the ball or. beans, and bake for an additional 15 minutes.
- While the dough cools down prepare the filling.
- In a small bowl, mix the yolks and set aside.
- In a pan, over medium heat, mix water, sugar, salt, lemon juice, lemon zest and cornstarch.
- Meanwhile, soak the gelatin sheets in cold water and wait, a few minutes, for them to soften completely.
- After a few minutes, the mixture will begin to bubble in the pan. Slowly add the egg yolks and stir a little.
- Finally, add more butter to the pan, mix well and remove from the stove.
- Melt the gelatine in a small saucepan over medium heat.
- Then mix the cream cheese and melted gelatine well into the filling.
- Pour the resulting filling into the pie dough and leave in the cold for at least 2 hours for the filling to become thick.
- Served with sweet cream or vanilla ice cream.
We would like to hear your feedback. Tag us on Instagram @story_on_a_plate_.
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