⎨SI⎬ Včasih so za en super obrok dovolj le skupaj sestavljene kakovostne sestavine. In kurkumina omakca seveda.
Po želji si pa lahko to enako verzijo naredite tudi v topli, pogreti verziji.
⎨EN⎬ Sometimes quality ingredients are enough and just composed together in a great meal. With turmeric topping of course.
You can also make the same version in the warm version.

Recept za Naturetino skledico
(za 2 osebi)
- 190 g rdečega fižola Natureta
- 100 g koruze Natureta
- 70 g zelene leče Natureta
- 100 g čičerike Natureta
- 100 g zamrznjenega brokolija Natureta
Za kurkumin preliv:
- 1 čebula
- 2 stroka česna
- 1 žlica olja
- sok pol limone
- 3 žlice kisle smetane
- 50 ml mleka
- 1/2 žličke kurkume v prahu
- 2 ščepca soli
Po želji lahko skledici dodate sol, olje ter kis.
- Vse sestavine za zelenjavno skledico pod vodo speremo, odcedimo in zložimo v skledo.
- Nato se lotimo priprave preliva.
- Čebulo in česen olupimo, grobo sesekljamo ter ju na olju prepražimo, da posteklenita.
- Prestavimo ju v blender, dodamo kislo smetano, mleko, limonin sok, kurkumo in sol.
- Vse skupaj zblendamo v gladko omako in jo postrežemo k naši Naturetini skledici.

Natureta veggie bowl recipe
(for 2 portions)
- 190 g red beans
- 100 g canned corn
- 70 g cooked green lentil
- 100 g cooked or canned chickpeas
- 100 g frozen or fresh broccoli
For curcuma topping:
- 1 onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 tbsp oil
- juice from half lemon
- 3 tbsp crème fraîche
- 50 ml milk
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 2 pinches of salt
If you prefer, you can add salt, oil and vinegar, like a salad.
- Wash, drain and place all the ingredients in a bowl.
- Start preparing the topping.
- Peel an onion and garlic, chop them and fry in oil until golden.
- Transfer to a blender, add sour cream, milk, lemon juice, turmeric powder and salt.
- Blend everything together into a smooth sauce and serve it with a veggie bowl.
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