⎨SI⎬ Vsi dobro poznamo klasični ragu in tega so tudi pri Natureti odlično pripravili ter zapakirali za priročno uporabo. Vse prevečkrat nam tempo življenja narekuje, da posegamo tudi po predpripravljenih izdelkih, vendar naj bodo vsaj ti kakovostni.
Tokrat sem malo nadgradila oziroma “o-jesen-jila” Naturetin ragu, z masleno bučo, ter še dodatno obogatila z grahom, korenčkom in zeleno.
⎨EN⎬ We all know the classic ragu well and luckily Natureta packaged it perfectly for more convenient use. All too often the pace of life directs us that we reach for pre-prepared products, but at least these should be in best quality.
This time I slightly upgraded Natureta’s ragu, with butternut squash, and further enriched it with peas, carrots and celery.

Recept za jesensko različico raguja
(za 4 osebe)
- 2 žlici olja
- 1 čebula
- 2 stroka česna
- 3 stebelca zelene
- četrtina večje maslene buče (in polovica manjše)
- 170 g Natureta mešanice korenje+ grah
- 2 x 190 g Natureta ragu
- 400 g jajčnih rezancev
- 2 ščepca soli
- ščepec popra
- dodatek: svež origano
- dodatek: parmezan
- Čebulo in česen olupimo ter ju prepražimo na olju, da posteklenita.
- Zeleno narežemo na zelo majhne kockice (3 x 3 mm na primer), bučo pa na malo večje.
- 170 g Natureta mešanice korenje+ grah precedimo in splaknemo pod vodo.
- V vreli vodi skuhamo rezance po navodilih na embalaži.
- Zeleno, bučo, grah in korenje dodamo k čebuli in česnu ter vse skupaj malo popražimo na visoki temperaturi. Približno 7 minut, s stalnim mešanjem.
- Dodamo 2 x 190 g Natureta ragu in kuhamo približno 3 minute na srednji temperaturi. Vmes malo pomešmo ter posolimo in popopramo.
- Postrežemo s svežim origanom ter parmezanom.

(for 4 portions)
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 3 stalks celery
- 1/4 of bigger butternut squash (or half of smaller one)
- 170 g Natureta mixture peas + carrots
- 2 x 190 g Natureta ragu
- 400 g pasta noodles
- 2 pinches of salt
- pinch of pepper
- dodatek: svež origano
- addition: parmesan
- Peel an onion and garlic and fry them in oil until golden.
- Cut celery into very small cubes (3 x 3 mm for example), butternut squash on slightly bigger cubes.
- Strain Natureta mixture peas + carrots and rinse under water.
- Cook pasta in boiling water according to the instructions on the packaging.
- Add the celery, butternut squash, peas and carrots to the onion and garlic and fry a little at a high temperature. About 7 minutes, stirring constantly.
- Add Natureta ragu and cook for about 3 minutes on medium heat. In the meantime, mix a little and add salt and pepper.
- Serve with fresh oregano and parmesan.

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