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Dekoracija zimske torte / Winter cake decoration


Zimske idile letos žal še ni, smo jo pa zato skušale pričarat skupaj z Leo Grom, ki ustvarja prekrasne in nadvse odlične torte, izvaja delavnice na Dvoru Jezeršek in postaja vse bolj prepoznavna na področju poročnih tort. Odločile smo se, da z vami delimo ideje za okrasitev preproste tortice, ki pa jo okrasitev lepo dopolni in obogati.


Unfortunately, this year there are no idylic winter scene yet, so we tried to capture it together with Lea Grom. She creates beautiful and delicious cakes, organizes workshops at Dvor Jezeršek and she’s becoming more and more recognizable in the wedding cakes business. We decided to share with you ideas for winter decorating a simple cake, which can enriches the cake itself.







Sestavine (za premer 15 cm)


  • 2 jajci velikosti M
  • 80 g sladkorja
  • 80 ml rastlinskega olja
  • 120 g moke
  • 10 g kakava v prahu
  • 3 g sode bikarbone
  • 80 ml mleka
  • ščepec soli

Ganache bele čokolade

  • 450 g bele čokolade
  • 240 ml sladke smetane

Malinino polnilo

  • 150 g zmrznjenih malin
  • 4-5 žlic sladkorja
  • malo vode

Maslena krema

  • 250 g masla
  • 188 g sladkorja v prahu
  • kapljica jedilne vijolične barve v pasti

Okrasni dodatki (po želji in okusu)

  • sveže brusnice
  • smrekove vejice
  • svež timijan, rožmarin
  • beljakovi vetrci
  • različno sadje
  • piškoti
  • suho cvetje
  • sveže cvetje



  1. V mešalnik dodaj sladkor in jajca. Najprej mešaj na srednji hitrosti, nato povečaj na najvišjo. Mešaj, da masa postane svetlejše barve in puhasta.
  2. Zmanjšaj hitrost na min. ter počasi prilij olje. Mešaj 30 sekund, da zmes postane enotna.
  3. V posodo pripravi moko, kakav in sodo bikarbono. Čez sito presej v mešanico jajc, sladkorja in olja. Na nizki hitrosti mešaj 1 minuto, potem dodaj mleko. Na koncu dodaj še ščepec soli.
  4. Maso prelij v pekač, ki ga predhodno namastiš in dno pokriješ z izrezanim peki papirjem. Peci 35-45 min na 160’C. Ko biskvit vzameš iz pečice, naj se najprej nekoliko ohladi, nato preloži na rešetko, da se ohlaja iz vseh strani enakomerno.
  5. Ko se biskvit popolnoma ohladi, ga zavij v živilsko folijo in hrani v hladilniku 1 dan.

Ganache bele čokolade

  1. Čokolado in smetano združi v stekleni posodi. Ogrevaj v mikrovalovki, dokler se čokolada popolnoma ne stopi. Vsak interval naj traja največ 30 sekund. Vmes vsakič dobro premešaj. Ne mešaj preveč, da ne vtepeš zračnih mehurčkov.
  2. Ganache naj se na hladnem nekoliko ohladi in strdi.

Malinino polnilo

  1. Maline vzemi iz zmrzovalnika.
  2. Na nizkem ognju pripravi ponev in dodaj malo vode.
  3. Dodaj zmrznjene maline ter sladkor in jih pokuhavaj 20 minut oziroma toliko časa, da voda izpari.
  4. Po potrebi dodaj še malo sladkorja.
  5. Pretresi v posodico in pusti na sobni temperaturi, da se ohladi. Pokrij s folijo in pusti v hladilniku čez noč

Maslena krema

V mešalniku stepaj maslo, ki je bilo zmehčano na sobni temperature. Ko barva masla posvetli, dodaj še sladkor v prahu in stepaj približno 5 minut. Na koncu dodaj še kapljico vijolične jedilne barve v pasti, da razbarva rumenkast ton masla.

Sestavljanje tortice – pripomočki

  • Podstavek za torte – premer 20 cm
  • Acetatna folija
  • Spatula
  • Lepilni trak
  • Škarje


  1. Pripravi si podstavek za torte premera 20 cm.
  2. Biskvit nareži na štiri enakomerno velike plasti.
  3. Podstavek na sredini namaži z masleno kremo in nanj postavi prvo plast biskvita.
  4. Izreži kos acetatne folije in jo ovij ob prvo plast pripravljenega biskvita ter prelepi z dvema kosoma lepilnega traku.
  5. Masleno kremo med acetatno folijo in biskvitom obmaži in pazi, da med biskvitom ne bo luknjic.
  6. Ko je maslena krema obmazana, na biskvit prelij tretjino belega čokoladnega ganacha. Nanj enakomerno razporedi tretjino malininega polnila.
  7. Na vrh malin nežno položi naslednjo plast biskvita in ponovi postopek sestavljanja tortice – obmazovanje z masleno kremo, polnjenje z belim čokoladnim ganachem in malinami.
  8. Ko je tortica sestavljena, jo za 3-4 ure postavi v hladilnik.
  9. Preostalo masleno kremo shrani za nadaljnje obmazovanje tortice.
  10. Ko tortico vzameš iz hladilnika, previdno odlepi acetatno folijo in z masleno kremo zakrij luknjice, ki bi se lahko pri odlepljanju pojavile.
  11. Tortico postavi nazaj v hladilnik še za eno uro, nato pa jo okrasi s poljubnimi dodatki.



Ingredients (15 cm diameter)


  • 2 eggs
  • 80 g sugar
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil
  • 120 g flour
  • 10 g of cocoa powder
  • 3 g of baking soda
  • 80 ml of milk
  • pinch of salt

White chocolate ganache

  • 450 g of white chocolate
  • 240 ml of sweet cream

Raspberry filler

  • 150 g of frozen raspberries
  • 4-5 tablespoons of sugar
  • some water

Butter cream

  • 250 g butter
  • 188 g of powdered sugar
  • drop of edible purple in the trap

Decorative accessories

  • fresh cranberries
  • spruce branches
  • fresh thyme, rosemary
  • meringues
  • seasonal fruits
  • fresh or dried flowers



  1. Add sugar and eggs to the mixer. Mix at medium speed first, then increase to maximum. Stir until the mass is lighter in color and fluffy.
  2. Reduce speed to min. and slowly pour in the oil. Stir for 30 seconds that the mixture is well mixed.
  3. Put flour, cocoa and baking soda into the pan. Strain through the sieve into a mixture of eggs, sugar and oil. Stir at low speed for 1 minute, then add milk. Finally, add a pinch of salt.
  4. Pour the mass into a baking tray, which is pre-greased and covered with baked paper. Bake 35-45 min at 160’C. When you remove the biscuit from the oven, let it cool slightly first, then put it on the grill to cool evenly from all sides.
  5. Once the biscuit is completely cooled, wrap it in food foil and refrigerate for 1 day.

White chocolate ganache

  1. Combine chocolate and cream in a glass container. Heat in the microwave until the chocolate is completely melted. Each interval should not exceed 30 seconds. Mix well each time. Do not stir too much to avoid the air bubbles.
  2. Let the ganache cool and harden slightly in the cold.

Raspberry filler

  1. Take the raspberries from the freezer.
  2. On a low heat, prepare the pan and add some water.
  3. Add the frozen raspberries and sugar and cook for 20 minutes or until the water evaporates.
  4. Add some sugar as needed.
  5. Shake in a saucepan and leave at room temperature to cool. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight

Butter cream

Whisk the butter in the mixer, which has been softened at room temperature. When the butter is light, add the powdered sugar and whisk for about 5 minutes. Finally, add a drop of purple cooking paste to discolour the yellowish butter.

Cake making – accessories

  • Cake base – 20 cm diameter
  • Acetate foil
  • Spatula
  • Tape
  • Shears


  1. Prepare a 20 cm diameter cake stand.
  2. Cut the biscuit into four evenly sized layers.
  3. Lubricate the base in the middle with butter cream and place the first layer of biscuit on it.
  4. Cut a piece of acetate foil and wrap it with the first layer of cookie prepared and glue it with two pieces of adhesive tape.
  5. Lubricate the butter cream between the acetate film and the biscuit and make sure there are no holes in the biscuit.
  6. Once the butter cream is greased, pour a third of the white chocolate ganach on the biscuit. It evenly distributes one third of the raspberry filling.
  7. Gently place the next layer of biscuit on top of the raspberries and repeat the process of assembling the cake – smearing with butter cream, filling with white chocolate ganache and raspberries.
  8. Once the cake is assembled, place it in the fridge for 3-4 hours.
  9. Save the remaining butter cream to further cover the cake.
  10. When removing the cake from the refrigerator, carefully peel off the acetate foil and cover with holes with butter cream that may appear when peeling.
  11. She puts the cake back in the fridge for another hour, then decorates it with any accessories.


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