⎨SI⎬ Španski bezeg v vsej svoji opojni lepoti
Izdelava sirupa iz španskega bezga je prav en poseben proces. Cvetovi španskega bezga so taki majhni in simpatični. Barva je prelepa. Vonj je nepozaben. Prava poezija. In aromaterapija obenem. Komaj čakam, da sirup uprabim v sladicah ter poletnih limonadah in gin&tonik mešanicah.
⎨EN⎬ Lilac blossoms in all their intoxicating beauty
It’s such a beautiful process in making lilac syrup. Lilac blossoms are so tiny and cute. Color is divine. The scent is amazing. Pure pleasure. And aromatherapy. Can’t wait to use it in desserts, summer lemonades and gin&tonic mixes.⠀
⎨SI⎬ Sestavine
- 2 l vode
- 3 kg belega sladkorja
- za 500 ml cvetov španskega bezga
- sok ene limone
- pest gozdnih borovnic
- V loncu zavremo vodo in vanjo stresemo ves sladkor.
- Med stalnim mešanjem naj se sladkor popolnoma raztopi.
- Mešanico ohladimo in vanjo damo dobro oprane posamezne cvetke španskega bezga, sok 1 limone, ter pest gozdnih borovnic.
- Tako pustimo od 24-30 ur.
- Nastali sirup nato precedimo v steklenice in dobro zapremo.
- Sirup hranimo lahko v hladilniku ali vsaj v hladneme prostoru.
⎨EN⎬ Ingredients
- 2 l water
- 3 kg white sugar
- Lilac blossoms in volume of 500 ml
- juice of 1 lemon
- hand of forest blueberries
- Boil water in a pot and pour all the sugar into it.
- Allow the sugar to dissolve completely while stirring constantly.
- Cool the mixture and add well-washed individual Lilac blossoms, the juice of 1 lemon and forest blueberries.
- Leave for overnight or at least 24-30 hours.
- Transfer syrup through the stainer into bottles and tightly closed.
- The syrup can be stored in the refrigerator or at least in a cool place.
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