Zgodbe na krožniku

Nutelini švedski zavozlančki z drožmi / Sourdough Nutella Swedish knots

⎨SI⎬ Nutelini švedski zavozlančki z drožmi (Kanelbullar)

Če se vam dnevi v karanteni zdijo predolgi vam jih bodo švedski zavozlančki vsaj malo skrajšali. Z njimi lahko presenetite tudi svoje najljubše sosede in jim jih pustite pred vrati za zajtrk. Lahko pa si jih enostavno privoščite zunaj na vrtu in si predstavljate, da sedite pred znamenito švedsko pekarno in samo uživate.

Če še niste na drožni strani sveta, z lahkoto uporabite le vrečko  instant kvasa (7g) in le eno uro zhajanja

Poskusi tudi: https://zgodbenakrozniku.si/recepti/magdalenice-nasli-sva-popoln-recept/


⎨EN⎬ Sourdough Nutella Swedish knots (Kanelbullar)

If the quarantine days seem too long for you, the Swedish knots will shorten them a little. You can also surprise your favorite neighbours with this simple sweet bread dessert and leave them at the door for breakfast. But you can easily afford them outside in the garden and imagine you’re sitting in front of the famous Swedish bakery and just enjoying yourself.

If you’re not on the sour side yet, you can just use 1 bag of instant yeast (7 g) and just 1 hour to rise the dough.

Try also: https://zgodbenakrozniku.si/recepti/magdalenice-nasli-sva-popoln-recept/



  • 75 g masla
  • 210 g mleka
  • 150 g starterja
  • 470 g moke
  • 100 g sladkorja
  • 1 žlička cimeta
  • 1 žlička kardamoma
  • ščepec soli


  • Nutella
  • ali marmelada
  • ali  preposta mešanica iz: 60 g zmehčanega masla, 60 g sladkorja in cimeta po okusu.

+ malo stopljenega masla za premaz pred peko


  1. Stopimo maslo in nato zraven vlijemo mleko, da se malo segreje.
  2. Masleno mešanico nato damo v mešalnik z nastavkom za stepanje.
  3. Dodamo vse ostale sestavine za testo in rahlo zmešamo in pustimo stati 15 min.
  4. Zamenjamo za nastavek za gnetenje in gnetemo 10 min. Če se nam zdi testo pretekoče dodamo še malo moke po občutku, vendar ne preveč.
  5. Na sobni temperaturi naj testo vzhaja 2-3 ure.
  6. Nato testo razvaljamo na pomokani površini.
  7. Polovica testa namažemo z izbranim nadevom.
  8. Drugo polovico prepognemo čez in z nižem narežemo na 2-3 cm trakce.
  9. Oblikujemo vozlje. Pomagate si lahko s tem videom: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnnDHnQkozI
  10. Lahko jih takoj spečemo ali damo v hladilnik, kjer do jutra počasi fermentirajo in jih spečemo zjutraj. Pred peko naj bodo vsaj 2 uri še na sobni temperaturi.
  11. Pečemo 20 min na 200 stopinj.




  • 75 g butter
  • 210 g milk
  • 150 g levain (sourdough starter)
  • 470 g flour
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon cardamom
  • pinch of salt


  • Nutella
  • or jam
  • or a simple mixture of: 60 g softened butter, 60 g sugar and cinnamon to taste.

+ a little melted butter to coat before baking.


  1. Melt the butter and then pour the milk next to it to allow it to warm slightly.
  2. Place the butter mixture in a stand mixer with whipping attachment.
  3. Add all other ingredients for the dough, mix gently and let stand for 15 min.
  4. Change to a kneading attachment and knead for 10 minutes. If it seems too doughy, add a little more flour, but not too much.
  5. Let the dough rise for 2-3 hours at room temperature.
  6. Once dough is ready, transfer to a lightly floured surface and roll into a rectangle.
  7. Spread the filling over the half of the dough (by the short side) with spatula.
  8. Fold half of the dough over the other half and cut it with knife to a 2-3 cm stripes.
  9. Twist the dough and roll into the knot shape. You can help yourself with that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnnDHnQkozI
  10. They can be baked immediately or put in the refrigerator, where they are slowly fermented and baked in the morning. Before baking, leave at room temperature for at least 2 hours.
  11. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

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