Zgodbe na krožniku

Magdalenice: našli sva popoln recept

⎨SI⎬ Z medenom posladkane in rožno vodo odišavljene magdalenice za valentinovo.

Obstajajo jedi, za katere v nedogled iščemo popoln recept. Pri nama je to pavlova, biskvit za torto, kruh, testo za pico in magdalenice. Ljubke biskvitne školjke so kulten posladek, ki pa marsikomu ne uspejo, kot bi morale, in večinoma postanejo dolgočasne ter suhe že takoj, ko se ohladijo. No, pripravljene po tem receptu so sočne tudi naslednji dan, zato jih lahko brez skrbi pripravite večer prej in jih pospravite v kovinsko škatlo za »jutri«, ko jih le še oblijete s čokolado ali drugim oblivom. Res pa je, da bo okus najbolj pristen, ko bodo še tople, zato lahko pripravljeno maso shranimo v hladilnik in biskvitke spečemo tako rekoč pred postrežbo.

Pa še nekaj je prav super: za pripravo ne potrebujete nobenega elektronskega pripomočka, ki bi ga bilo potrebno dodatno pomivati.

Recept ni najin, zapisan je v knjigi The Violet Bakery Cookbook, v kateri so zbrani recepti ene najbolj priljubljenih in trendovskih londonskih slaščičarn Violet Cake, kjer sladice in slaščice nastajajo iz organskih in nerafiniranih sestavin. Za zunanjim umazanobelim pročeljem nezanimive hiše v vzhodnem predelu Londona se skriva butična in rustikalno opremljena kavarna, polna prikupnih ter na oko privlačnih dobrot v domačnem stilu, ki jih ustvarja Claire Ptak. Poleg zavidanja vrednega slaščičarskega znanja je prisrčna Claire poznana tudi kot kulinarična piska (Observer Food Monthly, The Guardian, Vogue and Opening Ceremony), stilistka hrane, ki zna razviti odlične recepte. Poznamo jo predvsem po tem, da je spekla pred dvema letoma najbolj slavno torto za poroko Meghan Markle in princa Harrya.

Poskusi tudi: Kuhane hruške, v bezgovem sirupu z domačo vanilijevo omako / Elderflower syrup poached pears with vanilla sauce


⎨EN⎬ Honey sweetened and rose water-scented madeleines for valentine’s day.

There are dishes for which we are forever seeking the perfect recipe. With us it’s pavlova, cake base, bread, pizza dough and madeleines. Lovely biscuit shells are iconic treat, but they are tricky to made for some and most of the time they become dry as soon as they cool. Well, these are juicy the next day, so you can easily prepare them the night before and put them in a metal box for tomorrow when you just have them covered with chocolate or another topping. However, it is true that the taste will be most authentic when they are still warm, so the prepared mass can be stored in the refrigerator and the cookies can be baked almost before serving.

And another thing is great: you do not need any electronic gadgets and because of that even more washing to do.

The recipe is not ours, it is written in The Violet Bakery Cookbook, which compiles recipes from one of London’s most popular and trendy Violet Cake Pastries, where desserts and sweets are made from organic and unrefined ingredients. Behind the dirty exterior facade of an uninteresting house in London’s east is a boutique and rustic café full of delectable and eye-catching home-style delicacies created by Claire Ptak. In addition to enviable confectionery knowledge, the warm-hearted Claire is also known as the Observer Food Monthly, The Guardian, Vogue and Opening Ceremony, a food stylist who can develop great recipes. We know her especially for baking two years ago the most famous wedding cake for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Try also: Kuhane hruške, v bezgovem sirupu z domačo vanilijevo omako / Elderflower syrup poached pears with vanilla sauce


  • 100 g masla (in še malo za model)
  • 1 žlica medu
  • 2 žlički rožne vode
  • 100 g sladkorja v prahu
  • 2 jajci
  • 100 g moke
  • ¾ žličke pecilnega praška


  1. Pečico prižgemo na 160 stopinj.
  2. Maslo raztopimo nad vodno kopeljo in ga odstavimo.
  3. Pripravimo model za peko: model za peko premažemo z raztopljenim maslom in ga postavimo v skrinjo.
  4. Maslu dodamo med in rožno vodo ter dobro premešamo, da se med popolnoma raztopi.
  5. V drugi posodi stepemo jajca in sladkor, da postane gladka zmes, ki jo nato dodamo maslu. Pomešamo.
  6. Zdaj v to zmes dodamo še moko s pecilnim praškom in premešamo v homogeno zmes.
  7. Model za magdalenice vzamemo iz zamrzovalnika, ga napolnimo z maso (vdolbinice naj bodo polne do treh četrtin) in potisnemo v pečico za 10 do 12 minut. Ali so pečene, lahko preverimo z zobotrebcem.


  • 100 g butter (and a little more for the model)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 2 teaspoons of rose water
  • 100 g of powdered sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g flour
  • ¾ tbsp baking powder


  1. Turn the oven to 160 degrees.
  2. Melt butter over a water bath and put aside.
  3. Prepare a baking model: Brush the baking model with melted butter and place it in the freezer.
  4. Add honey and rose water to the butter and mix well.
  5. In another bowl, whisk eggs and sugar to make a smooth mixture, which is then added to the butter.
  6. Add flour to the mixture with baking powder and mix into a homogeneous mixture.
  7. Remove the magdalen model from the freezer, fill it with mass (aprox. three quarters) and slide into the oven for 10 to 12 minutes. They are baked and can be checked with a toothpick.

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