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Kuhane hruške v bezgovem sirupu z domačo vanilijevo omako / Elderflower syrup poached pears with vanilla sauce


To je prava zimska sladica!
Nekakšna mešanica med opojnim babičinim kompotom in fino sladico, sestavljeno iz večih komponent, kot iz kakšne drage restavracije. Ampak ne skrbite, morda recept izgleda dolg in kompleksen, v resnici pa je prav preprost za izdelavo. Medtem, ko se kuhajo hruške, vmes pripravite pišpkotne drobtine ter vanilijevo omako. Če pa vam čas dopupšča in sladico potrebujete za po kosilu, pa lahko iz preostanka beljakov naredite še vetrce, ki ravno prav hrustljavo dopolnijo to sladico.



This is a real winter dessert!
A mix between the aromatic grandma’s compote and the fine dessert, made up of more components, like in some expensive restaurant. But don’t worry, the recipe may look long and complex, but in fact it’s easy to make. While the pears are cooking, make the cookie crumbs and the vanilla sauce. However, if time permits and you need dessert for lunch, you can make meringues as well. Meringues will add just a perfect touch of crispness to complement that dessert.

Sestavine (za 4 osebe)

Kuhane hruške

  • 2 večje ali 4 manjše hruške
  • 1/2 l vode
  • 150 ml bezgovega sirupa
  • 2 žlici kokosovega sladkorja
  • 1 žlička cimeta
  • 10 klinčkov

Vanilijeva omaka

  • 5 rumenjakov
  • 250 ml mleka
  • 250 ml sladke smetane
  • 60 g sladkorja v prahu
  • 1 strok vanilije, vanilijeva esenca ali vanilijev sladkor
  • ščepec soli

Piškotne drobtine

  • 200 g piškotov


  • 5 beljakov
  • 250 g sladkorja v prahu
  • 2 žlici limoninega soka


Kuhane hruške

1. Hruške olupimo in odstranimo peške.

2. v globjo ponev nalijemo vodo, dodamo bezgov sirup, sladkor, cimet in klinčke.

3. Hruške zavremo in kuhamo nato še 20-30 minut oz. dokler niso hruške dovolj mehke (čas kuhanja je odvisen od vrste hrušk).

Vanilijeva omaka

1. Mleko, smetano ter vanilijo kuhamo na zmernem ognju do vretja in odstavimo

2. Rumenjake, sladkor in sol zmešamo s ročnim mešalnikov.

3. Rumenjake počasi vlijemo v mlečno osnovo in kuhamo na srednji temperaturi s stalnim mešanjem.

4. Ko se omaka postane gostješa jo odstavimo in shranimo. Lahko se postreže topla ali hladna.

Piškotne drobtine

1. Piškote zmeljemo do finega.

Vetrci (po želji)

1. Pečico ogrejemo na 100 stopinj.

2. Beljake zmešamo z ročnim mešalnikom.

3. Ko se sneg strdi, počasi dodajamo sladkor in na koncu še limonin sok.

4. Vetrce nabrizgamo z dresirno vrečko in poljubnim nastavkom.

5. Pečemo 1 uro. Ko se peka konča, ne odpiramo pečice, temveč pustimo vetrce, da se v ugasnjeni pečici sušijo še 3-4 ure.




Poached pears

  • 2 larger or 4 smaller pears
  • 1/2 l water
  • 150 ml elderflower syrup
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 10 cloves

Vanilla sauce

  • 5 egg yolks
  • 250 ml milk
  • 250 ml heavy cream
  • 60 g of powdered sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean, vanilla essence or vanilla sugar
  • pinch of salt

Cookie crumbs

  • 200 g cookies or cookie crumbs


  • 5 egg whites
  • 250 g powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice


Poached pears

1. Peel the pears and remove the core.

2. Pour water into the deep pan, add lemon syrup, sugar, cinnamon and cloves.

3. Boil the pears and cook for another 20-30 minutes. until the pears are soft enough (cooking time depends on the sort of pears).

Vanilla sauce

1. Cook milk, cream and vanilla over medium heat and bring to a boil. Set aside.

2. Mix the egg yolks, sugar and salt with hand mixers.

3. Slowly pour the egg yolks into the milk base and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly.

4. When the sauce becomes thicker, remove and store. It can be served hot or cold.

Cookie crumbs

1. Grind cookies to a fine level.

Meringue (if you wish)

1. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees.

2. Mix egg whites with a hand mixer.

3. When egg whites become very thick, slowly add the sugar and finally the lemon juice.

4. Use a dressing bag and attachment you like to create meringues on a baking paper.

5. Bake for 1 hour. When the baking is done, do not open the oven but allow the meringues to dry for 3-4 hours.

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